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My research focuses on individual actors in the context of international relations, how they affect and are affected by international interactions. In one of my current research programs, I examine how individual actors within the foreign policy bureaucracy influence the onset, escalation, and outcome of international conflict, as well as how that influence informs the advisor selection process. Another research program examines how public opinion is influenced (and how individuals are otherwise affected) by international sources of information. I advance knowledge in these areas using original data sets, survey experiments, and advanced statistical methods, including recent developments in big data analysis and data mining. Recent publications are listed below:

Ausderan, Jacob. 2020. "Oh, That's Just Crazy Talk: How Leaders Use Language to Create Perceptions of Irrationality." In Positioning and Stance in Political Discourse: The Individual, the Party, and the Party Line. Edited by Lawrence Berlin. Vernon Press. 


Braidwood, Travis and Jacob Ausderan. 2017. "Professor Favorability and Student Perceptions of Professor Ideology." PS: Political Science & Politics. 50(2): 565-570.

Ausderan, Jacob. 2016. "Reassessing the Democratic Advantage in Interstate Wars Using K-adic Data Sets." Conflict Management and Peace Science. doi:10.1177/0738894216653601. (link to article) (replication files)


Ausderan, Jacob. 2015. "Following an Experienced Shepherd: How a Leader's Tenure Affects the Outcome of International Crises." International Interactions. 41(1): 26-45. (link to article)


Ausderan, Jacob. 2014. "How Naming and Shaming Affects Individual Human Rights Perceptions in the Shamed Country." Journal of Peace Research. 51(1): 81-95. (online appendix)



I have several more articles under review or in progress that build upon the publications listed above, as well as some unrelated projects on international conflict and foreign policy. ​Some examples are listed on my c.v. I also have a book manuscript under review on the strategic selection of foreign policy advisors and the influence of advisors on international conflict. Once the book is published and I get the article manuscripts described above under review and/or published, I look forward to initiating new projects on the use of advanced statistical methods in the study of international relations, including big data analysis and data mining. Among those projects is a new book project on applications of big data in grassroots peacebuilding and peacekeeping. To request a full list of current projects, a full outline of my research agenda, manuscript drafts, or replication files, please email me at

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